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Podcast & Guest Interviews

On this page, you’ll find episodes of my podcast, Let’s Talk about Sex, as well as interviews where I’ve shared insights about my work. Some episodes are in English, while others are in Dutch. If you have any questions about the topics discussed or would like to invite me to your podcast, feel free to email me at - I’d love to hear from you.

Listen in


In this episode Cindy talks about the importance of deep intuitive trust, trusting yourself on levels your human self never likes to go to and how sexual healing can support you in all of this and more. This episode is deep, spicy, and freeing.


Cindy shares many of her insights of sexual power and money creation and the nr 1 thing she invites each and everyone of her clients to integrate in their lives. Open your heart and tune in.

Mama T Energy


You Can Call Me "Bossy" Podcast


In this episode, Cindy shares her journey from corporate life to becoming a business healer, empowering women to achieve their big money goals and embrace sexual healing. Together with Mary Theresa Tringale she discusses the essential practice of "banking evidence" from past achievements and the importance of supporting and uplifting each other. 

They also uncover the challenges and growth that come from being triggered by others' success, and the healing strength found in facing our fears and desires head-on. Whether you're navigating your own path to alignment or seeking ways to own your power unapologetically, this episode is packed with wisdom and heart-felt conversations to inspire you.


Key Takeaways:

  • Banking Evidence and Personal Growth

  • Importance of uplifting and empowering each other

  • Owning who you are brings ease

"I think it takes courage to open your heart again and say, I can hold both. I can hold my own thing here and I don't judge myself." - Cindy Stal

This is one of the most vulnerable podcast interviews Cindy has ever done. It was such a deep and beautiful conversation around navigating all of the big events that life can give you. Not only the good and the ‘shiney’ but also the most deep and profound losses you ever get to experience.

Cindy gives us an insight in what it takes to stay soft while creating over 7 fig in business, building an empire while traveling the world and losing her daughter Anna Sophia Rose.

Sacred Rebel Podcast


Een podcast waarin Cindy geinterviewd wordt over hoe zij de archetypes “de sensuele vrouw” en “de dark goddess” leeft. 

In deze Nederlandstalige podcast deelt Cindy over hoe zij haar leven en business transformeerde op het moment dat er nog maar €1,26 op haar rekening stond én ze weigerde om haar kind droge spaghetti te voeden. 

In deze aflevering hoor je: 

- waarom niet iedereen durft te werken met de energie van grote verlangens
- hoe je kunt werken met je seksuele energie
- over de reis van klein meisje naar grotere vrouw
- over leven met een open hart
- hoe je ALLES mag zijn, en dat je nooit teveel bent
- waarom je je zenuwstelsel moet kalmeren om manifestaties te behouden
- waarom je klaar moet zijn voor het helen van je seksuele energie
- dat ware emotie slechts 90 seconden hoeft te worden gevoeld om te kunnen transformeren
- dat er niks mis is met intensiteit en nog zoveel meer...

Mariska Ruissen

In deze Nederlandstalige podcast deelt Cindy haar verhaal over haar levenservaringen en visie op business en energiewerk. Cindy zet hierin pleasure als energie centraal. 


Als de seksuele energie vrij stroomt, dan stroomt de levenskracht, het plezier en daarmee de creatie- en manifestatiekracht. Voor ondernemers vertaalt deze energie zich in opdrachten, geld en succes. 


Als mens hebben we ons hiervoor vrij te maken van de oude conditioneringen en angsten die ervoor zitten. Zowel op overtuigingsniveau als ook met embodiment, onder andere via sexual healing. Energetisch management is het o zo belangrijke onzichtbare werk wat we (ook) te doen hebben als ondernemer.

Podcast de Carola Rossing

In gesprek met Pioniers

For female, intuitive entrepreneurs who want to do business authentically, stubbornly and completely based on mystical wisdom and the power of sexual energy.

My Podcast

Cindy Stal Podcast Let's Talk about Sex Cindy Stal Business Healing Queen of embodiment Unlock your biggest desires. Women's sexuality and empowerment coach balance life and business 6 figure business Transformational Coaching with a twist of pleasure Netherlands Mastermind Journey of the Priestess

SOW Live show met Cindy Stal 31 mei 2022

In deze Nederlandse podcast staat de Soul of Wealth centraal. Wat is dit nu? Wat is ware rijkdom en waarom speelt sexuele energie en de energie van pleasure hier zo’n belangrijke rol in? 

Cindy deelt haar ervaring, haar levensvisie en enkele direct inzetbare tools om hier zelf mee aan de slag te gaan.

Reggy Nelissen
Client Love

I have said to you so often during our 2 years together, “You are the best kept secret '' and I am so grateful that I came across your Dearmouring Classes. The start of so much more magic to come! Thank you for helping me heal the relationship with myself and my body and growing my business to 25k months. I never, never, never imagined this to be possible for me without becoming burnout. Thank you for all your guidance and clear mentorship. 

- Anne

Hello, I'm Cindy, and I wholeheartedly believe in the worthiness of your desires. If you're yearning for something, it's because you have the inherent capacity to receive it. Female creative power is enchanting, and as an intuitive woman, daily empowerment not only brings more pleasure to your life but also transcends the challenges of business.

You are so close and you know and feel it every day. You have come so far and already are a totally different woman than you were a year ago. You do everything right; you had your share of business coaching, strategy and all the things. You know honoring your feminine energy and trusting your sacred masculine energy is the way to go. You know real embodiment is the key to your fulfilling and lasting success.​

Behind the mic


Cindy stal looking down tattoo Cindy Stal Business Healing Queen of embodiment Unlock your biggest desires. Women's sexuality and empowerment coach balance life and business 6 figure business Transformational Coaching with a twist of pleasure Netherlands Mastermind Journey of the Priestess

In dit interview voor de Linda, vertelt Cindy over de stilgeboorte van haar dochter Anna Sophia Rose. De mooie, zorgeloze zwangerschap, het moment dat ze hoorde dat hun dochter dood was en de tijd na haar dood en hoe je hiermee omgaat als gezin. Lees het hele interview hier

Interview in de Linda

Bij de laatste echo bleek Cindy haar dochter niet meer te leven.

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