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* Embracing Alignment * - Anything Unaligned Must Go

Cindy Stal

Lifting the veils and gifting yourself the freedom you always felt. 

There are moments in your life when your business wants to pivot. Not just your business. Your Soul needs you to pivot everything that is no longer aligned. 

Anything unaligned must go. 

Moments like these are never comfortable. 

There will not be a moment where this doesn’t activate your survival mechanisms, your inner child wounding and any other shadow piece that wants to be alchemised into the light. 

And it’s SAFE. 

In all the triggers. 

In all the wounds. 

In all the shadow. 

Your money wounds will come up. 

Your codependency. 

Your tendency to heal the whole world. 

And yes, your Soul came to heal the world. 

Just not all of it and you know it. 

You are the 1% of the 1% that just can’t do it any other way. 

You tried, sure hell you tried. 

Especially when your Soul stirs the pot again. 

It isn’t unfair that others seem to get away with less. 

It’s not that. 

You chose this path. 

You came to hold the polarity. 

You came for the bigness of it all. 

You want nothing less. 

Every time you are on the other side you know it. 

Because you can’t NOT do it. 

It’s alignment or it’s nothing. 

I am ready to hold you in this clarity. 

In the sacred potency of the abundance you came for. 

In trust that you got this. Every step of the way. 

If you feel the highest alignment whispering and desire REAL clarity, guidance and want someone to help you hold the vision every step of the way, let’s talk

Woman with their backs to the camera holding hands alignment embodiment transformational coaching Cindy Stal life coaching near you sensual healing sexual health coaching


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